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Latest News in the Door and Windows Industry in Canada

CSA Publishes NAFS Version Equivalency Document

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The Joint Document Management Group (JDMG) representing AAMA, WDMA and CSA, the Sponsors of the North American Fenestration Standard (NAFS) has issued bulletin 14-01 on the Equivalency of NAFS versions. CSA has published this bulletin for Canada at

The JDMG has conducted a side-by-side comparison of the testing and specification differences between the 2005, 2008 and 2011 editions of the North American Fenestration Standard (NAFS-05, NAFS-08 and NAFS-11). They have produced this bulletin primarily for the benefit of industry and building officials in the U.S. where current building codes reference the NAFS-11 standard.

This document also has relevance for Canada as some test labs are currently issuing both NAFS-08 and NAFS-11 test reports, even though the 2010 NBC and the 2012 BCBC refer only to NAFS-08. The soon to be released 2015 National Building Code will refer to NAFS-11 only. Download this bulletin


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