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Latest News in the Door and Windows Industry in Canada

Cam Drew, Thermoproof Windows, Appointed to FenCan Executive Committee

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September 10, 2019


Toronto, ON – Fenestration Canada is pleased to announce the appointment of Cam Drew, Managing Partner, Thermoproof Windows to the Executive Committee for the 2019-2020 term of office.

Cam states, “I’ve always been impressed with the work that FenCan has done on behalf of our industry. I’m looking forward to playing a part going forward.” Cam’s appointment provides a more comprehensive Canadian perspective on the industry by adding another West coast point of view to the Executive Committee.

Members of the Fenestration Canada Board and Executive Committee identify opportunities to advance the door and window industry while also improving and expanding upon programs and services that support and benefit the profession and its members. With dedicated individuals and volunteers such as Cam, Fenestration Canada can continue to better serve its members and make a difference in the window and door industry.


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