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2021 Recap

We appreciate your membership and are continually working hard to make our Association the best it can be! We have many new and exciting opportunities coming for 2022 and we would love for you to have the opportunity to experience them! But before, let’s take a quick look at what we accomplished and worked on this past year for our membership at Fenestration Canada: 

A word from your president

"Our job as an association is to make sure we are at the forefront of change and that we get back to connecting with our members. This has been made possible this year thanks to the addition of new team members which strengthened our association and the connection we have to our members. It is important to me that I continue the legacy that those before me have paved and that we make the association stronger."

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Mike Bruno, President of the Board


2021 has been a great year for Fenestration Canada. Our team worked relentlessly to deliver the best to our members. Here are some of the highlights.​


  • Modified the bylaws to establish 5 official chapters all across the country.


  • Held over 270 meetings with the different committees and task groups.


  • Launched new task groups and committees to increase the reach and influence of the association.


  • Added a Membership Services Advisor (Lauren Hartley) , a new Technical Director (Terry Adamson) and a Director of Regulatory Affairs (Al Jaugelis) to the current team. Jeff Baker also worked as a consultant within the technical department.


  • Had several meetings with government officials on the federal and provincial level. 


  • Played an important part in getting the government to modify the requirements for the Greener Homes Grant program.


  • Worked closely with NRCan as Advisory Council Member for the Market Transformation Roadmap.


  • Worked in collaboration with several associations across the country, North America and Europe.


  • Significantly increased our reach this year with the help of our new website including a revamped calculator and a helpdesk forum, our 6,000 views on our YouTube channel, the 4,000 registrants to our several webinars, our online events and our social media efforts.


Stéphane Labelle, Executive Director


  • Development and delivery of popular online Tech Talks sessions.


  • Participate in FGIA (Fenestration Glazing Industry Alliance) Glass design Task Group.


  • Development of Code Compliance Advisory paper for imported products.


  • Provide content and technical support to FGIA U value/ER group.


  • Development of FC Glass Strength design paper in participation with FGIA Joint Glass Strength Design task group. 


  • Collaborating with the BC Ministry of Energy on enforcement of new regulations coming January 2022.


  • Development and delivery of Regional Week technical sessions.


  • Complete and publish updates to the NAFS labelling guidelines document.


  • Content development, public social feed technical content.


  • Develop energy efficiency bulletin for City of Vancouver.


  • Development and delivery of WinDoor educational sessions.


  • Member outreach through emails and phone calls to provide support and connect.

  • Participation in the CACEA (Canadian Association of Consulting Energy Advisors) Technical committee.


  • Participation in CHBA (Canadian Home Builders Association) Technical Services Committee.


  • Participation in JDMG (Joint Document Management Group) overseeing NAFS development.


  • Launch of FC Technical online QnA forum.


  • Respond to consumer incoming technical email requests.


  • Participate in code development meetings on CCBFC (Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes)






New Relationship with the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

At the urging of the Atlantic Regional Committee, we reached out to RAIC with the goal of becoming a recognized education provider to Canadian architects.  The Atlantic RC believed this would help us gain the attention of architects on issues that are important to our industry. We reached out to the RAIC in the Spring of this year and are pleased to report that our discussions have led to three favourable outcomes:


  • RAIC accepted our September 2021 proposal to present at the RAIC 2022 Conference on Architecture, a live/hybrid event to be held May 11-14, 2022 in Vancouver

  • RAIC accepted Fenestration Canada as  a  not-for-profit Corporate Affiliate Member in November


  • RAIC also decided to send our latest technical document to all its members, the “Canadian Code Compliance Advisory for Imported Windows”, and will give them continuing education credits if they study the document and pass the exam developed in partnership by RAIC and Fenestration Canada.



  • Added 48 North-American new members to the association in 2021 


  • Compiled Lead lists for Glass Suppliers, and Door & Door Pre-Hanger suppliers


  • Updated the Fenestration Canada Onboarding Process 


  • Named 2 new Vice-Co-Chairs to the Membership Committee - Jayme Tilley and Sarah Colberg


  • Committee members were part of the Membership Drive and will be key in the Membership Retention process


JASON WADEL, Membership chair


  • Virtual Spring Conference – unfortunately due to COVID-19 pandemic, we were forced to cancel our session in Kelowna, BC.  Again, we were tasked to organize a Virtual Spring Conference.  Committee Meetings, the AGM, and all official conference aspects are included in the session, and we also wanted to include the “fun” element with a Trivia night and wine tasting (to bring some of the Okanagan flare to our conference). 260 attendees and 61 companies participating this week (vs. 221 attendees and 58 companies in 2020) which is fantastic! 


  • Incorporated time for all attendees to visit Marketplace by WinDoor during the Spring Conference (which is also a good reminder that the Marketplace is still open).  FenCan staff have been doing a great job of continuing to promote through YouTube supplier spotlights and similar initiatives.


  • Win-Door 2021 – FINALLY we were able to host an in-person event in Toronto!  By all accounts, WinDoor and the Main Event were great successes.  While the interaction on the show floor and education sessions were a welcome change, the team was able to organize a hybrid conference whereby members were also available to attend virtually and interact at the show.  We were also honoured to recognize new members to the Hall of Fame and the C.P. Loewen award recipient, Dan Darcy.  


To come:


  • Destination Fensterbau in March 2022

  • Win-Door 2022 – plans have already begun for Montreal, QC.

  • Spring Conference 2022 to be held in Charlottetown, PEI

  • Spring Conference 2023 to be held in Kelowna, BC



Scheme Committee

  • Established goals/objectives and go-forward committee and task group structures to support Installer Certification at FenCan


  • Launched an "Access to Training" portal on the FenCan website in the early stages of population with 3 onboards to date


  • Presented the vision/mission/goals/objectives and progress to date of Installer Certification at WinDoor 2021


  • Access to Training task group has made considerable progress mapping the requirements of a "Certified Installer", key to the success of the program



Access to Trainers Task Group

  • Invited window and door installation trainers to the group and they have been actively participating for the last 6 months in defining a professional window and door installer


  • Website has been updated to reflect training partners

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Adrian edge, a.t.t. task group chair

Atlantic Regional Committee

  • Welcomed a building official and an architect from the region as members of the committee.


  • Connecting with the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC)  to establish a relationship with FenCan, with a focus on training and education. Architects are required to take RAIC approved seminars as part of their professional development, so Terry and Al are working with RAIC to have our education package approved.


  • Working with FenCan Technical Department to simply the recommended installation instructions and NAFS summary pages for all stakeholders.


  • Standardizing with FenCan Technical Department installation practices for incorporated J trim and flanges in windows in accordance with CSA A440.4.07



atlantic co-chair


kevin pelley 

atlantic co-chair

comité régional du québec

  • Sonder les membres manufacturiers sur leurs besoins actuels de la part des membres fournisseurs dans ces temps difficiles. (En cours)


  • Développer du contenu de formation simplifié et accessible et de la documentation gratuite pour les membres, leurs employés et leurs clients. (En cours)


  • Permettre et encourager la participation à nos évènements des professionnels reliés à notre industrie (ex : ingénieurs, architectes, etc.) pour améliorer leur connaissance de notre industrie et favoriser une bonne relation avec ces partenaires. (En cours)


  • Obtenir un portrait global de la situation actuelle de la chaîne d’approvisionnement au Québec et de la formation à ce sujet. (Fait durant la semaine des régions le 7 Octobre dernier, merci !)


  • Contacter les membres du Québec pour les encourager à participer aux réunions du comité et ainsi s’assurer d’avoir une bonne représentation. (En cours)


marie-pier houle, présidente québec

ONTARIO Regional Committee

  • Focussed efforts on how to Increase the association's engagement in Ontario 


  • Held several open forums to understand the need of our Ontario members


  • Developed relationships with key Ontario stakeholders of the region  to educate, train and assist in all aspects related to fenestration.


  • Welcomed several new members

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Mike Bruno,



  • Grand Openings and Grand Views presentation for the Spring Conference


  • Handling Supply Chain Issues Regional Week Prairies Presentation


  • Welcomed several new members 



PACIFIC Regional Committee

  • Received an update from Cam Shook from the Department of Energy and Mines on provincial energy code change coming January 2022.


  • Daniel Haaland from RDH gave an overview of the BC Ref Procedure for converting NFRC into PHPP modeling information


  • Ron Rapp from HAVAN updated our members on the core topics in 2021 that builders have been struggling with


  • Jovan Cheema from HPSC gave us an update on their organization


  • Chris Higgins on the City of Vancouver thermal performance changes coming 2022.

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Adrian edge, a.t.t. task group chair

SOme of our 2022 projects:

  • Official launch for our regional chapters


  • Hybrid Regional Events to be held for every Regional Chapter


  • Destination: Fensterbau 2022


  • Spring Conference 2022 in PEI


  • WinDoor 2022 in Montreal including  a brand new event! 


  • Free CFIB membership


  • Free access to our Technical Department 


  • New Technical Forum 


  • New and Upcoming Tech Talks 


And much more!

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