On April 1st, we had our first ‘Ask the Expert’ webinar with international crisis management consultant and pandemic planning expert, Suzanne Bernier. We discussed what businesses and communities can expect and should be planning for over the coming weeks and months.
Why are we not testing everyone for the virus?https://fenestrationcanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/asktheexpertteaser-1.mp3
What about the longer term devastation this will cause to the economy?https://fenestrationcanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/asktheexpertteaser2.mp3
Below are some valuable resources as provided by Suzanne:
On psychological first aid: From a friend and colleague from the UK, Dr. Liz Royle, who was the Manchester Police Department’s trauma psychotherapist for ten years
Other valuable COVID-19 planning resources: